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7 tips to walk serenely in the city of night...

Avoid bad encounters, or get out of them!

We have already seen together some methods to avoid confronting situations that are too delicate. What we are looking for is not how to get out of a situation, but how to prevent it from happening! It's a bit like the saying "he who learns to fish gives infinitely more wealth than he who gives a fish"...

Now, we're going to see some little trickier tips, and not necessarily obvious ones, so that you avoid being in danger in the city at night as much as possible. Then, we will also see how to get out of trouble, if it happens to you.

meet an escort at night

Vigilance, or why you shouldn't listen to music or make calls

So yes, the technique of “I pretend to call someone like that, they leave me alone” is classic and effective. But at night, in an isolated place… It's a safe bet that it won't be enough. Rather, you need to be completely focused on what you are doing, where you are walking, and where you are going. So if you have your eyes glued to your phone, because you're watching escort dating, or listening to your music, that's not good, and it can occupy your attention. You need to be able to hear absolutely everything that is going on around you, to detect strange noises for example.

The friendly (and non-violent) little accessory

So there, it's very simple. We start from the outset with the simplest and most obvious. But it is also the most necessary. And it is above all the one we think about the least. According to the legislation, it is a bit vague. It seems to me that we are not allowed (officially) to have pepper spray or a small tear gas spray in the bag. I do not encourage you to get one because it can get you in trouble if you are checked… But at the very least, take a whistle! While you're blowing into it, your attacker will probably try to run away because you're alerting people around you!

Use taxis

And yes, Uber is all well and good, but it's not the most impeccable service. Not everyone loves it. And for good reason: non-professionalism, late arrival… Of course, these are very rare cases, but they can happen. And if, for example, you are running to your meeting place, and your driver is not there, when it was your only way out… Your hands will be tied. By choosing a good taxi company, or simply someone you trust, then you will minimize the risks! But be very careful all the same. Here's how: If you're using taxis, you'll also need to confirm the name of the person who's supposed to pick you up, to avoid falling into a trap. Take a photo of the plate, and send it to someone close (and again, trustworthy). So you can have peace of mind because you have removed a lot of risks.

Take appropriate shoes for walking

More basic, but again: if you have to run, you need running shoes or at least comfortable shoes. Because if you've only brought your stilettos… The race could be quickly lost. It is very important if you are alone and you come home at night.

Keep empty-handed

When walking at night, keep both hands free. A coat with pockets or a backpack (to carry your spare shoes for example) will allow you to react quickly if you feel that you are being followed.

And if ever, keep your phone handy to call someone for help if things go wrong.

Download a personal security app

The least conventional advice, and yet one of the best. In France, the subject of security applications is almost completely unknown. However, in England for example, there are a lot of web applications created for security, such as bSafe, Walksafe, etc. These applications allow you to stay safe. So that's all well and good, but how does it work? It's fairly easy. The application will send you scheduled messages at certain times, and if you do not reply to these messages, then it will automatically call your emergency contacts (which you have previously defined). Be sure to activate the app, and deactivate it once really alone. Some of these applications allow geolocation and send alerts from this indicator as well.

Take action if you are being followed

If you have the feeling of being followed, you should use your security application to call for help (without necessarily having to do all the manipulations: turn on your phone, unlock it, type in the code, etc.). And most importantly, you don't have to go home. Because maybe you'll be safe at the moment, but the weird guy who followed you now knows exactly where you live.

If ever you can, organize your evenings and your meetings in crowded places, where there are many open businesses, such as in a restaurant, a café, etc. Never stray too far from the group. An attacker will not attack you in a store, or in a place where there are witnesses and cameras. And even if you're not sure, you can ask an employee to help you, or call the police and then stay with you until the authorities arrive.

follow your instincts

follow your instincts

It may be a very crude phrase, but it's true. Follow your instincts. If something seems strange to you, then it probably is. Never ignore your instincts and act on them. It's always better to be safe and sorry, than overly cautious and in danger.