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What are the most popular fantasies?

The most popular fantasies in France for the French?

We know very well that the fantasies of the French are quite varied. Inevitably, among more than 60 million people, there is plenty to do... However, thanks to surveys carried out by sites for adults or by external organizations, we have managed to understand a little more about the preferences of our inhabitants. Thanks to a survey by the Harris Interactive panel, which applied the quota method with the criteria of sex, age, socio-professional category, and region of the interviewee, we were able to answer this question: what are the fantasies of the French? To answer it, the interviewers tried to encompass all aspects of the question: decor, practices itself, etc.

So let's get started right away!

the fantasies of the French

Part of the body

First of all, it is very important to consider that women's bodies are considered the most erotic. But for which parts? Well, according to a study by the famous adult site Xcams, we have a top 3 which is not surprising: The breasts come in the first position with 87%. In second, it is the buttocks at 85%, then the legs at 79% (and all its attributes are highlighted with our Brive escorts). The 3 follow each other, but then come others a little more surprising: the fourth position, the bad student is the stomach, which accounts for 53% of the votes. Then comes the feet with 27%. So much for the question of the female body parts that make men fantasize the most.

The people

Well, now, the heart of the matter: what interests people, or rather WHO is what interests? To begin with, we can say that it is 53% of French people who admit having already thought of someone else when they made love (27% say that it rarely happens to them, 20% from time to time and 3% often). But then, what is the archetype of fantasy? Well in terms of celebrities and in descending order of popularity, here it is: the male personalities are Brad Pitt, Georges Clooney, Clint Eastwood, Bruce Willis, and Yannick Noah. On the feminine side, it's Sophie Marceau, Kate Moss, Angelina Jolie, Beyoncé, and Claire Chazal… But you should know that for 45% of French people questioned, there is no fantasy material, so no portrait or celebrity in mind.

And for the chauvinistic aspect of the survey, here are exclusively the political personalities who occupy the first positions of the fantasies of the French (rest assured: they are not very well represented). Of the men surveyed, 64% say they don't fantasize about any female politician. For the others, it is Rama Yade, Nathalie Koscuisko-Morizet and Segolène Royale at the top of the list. And for the women surveyed, Dominique de Villepin is perhaps the only one represented in this survey. It is still strange to think that this information has been sought, but for all that is it really surprising? No. This finally shows us that people are not necessarily what matters most when it comes to fantasy.


Here is the rest of the puzzle. We are always trying to answer this (ultimately complex) equation of what makes the French fantasize. And a key element that can give us a little more explanation is this one. The place is a very present element of desire when writing stories intended to titillate the reader. It is very often an important element if it is not downright a trigger.

And for the French, here are the top 3 of the most exciting places: the deserted beach, the swimming pool or the jacuzzi and the clearing in the forest. These places to make love (we assume) are mentioned by more than a quarter of the French people questioned. The swimming pool is what young people like, with 42% of voters aged between 18 and 24.

For the clearing in the forest, it is rather the slightly more advanced age group. For the following places, we have the train and the plane, the public garden at night, the elevator, the workplace, etc. In the last position are the car park and the cemetery, which are therefore the places that awaken the least. the naughty curiosity of fantasies.

The situations

our equation of fantasies

And finally, the situation. The final element of our fantasy equation is location. In this way, we will have answered the questions: who, where, and how? And that's kind of the interesting part since we're seeing a greater variety of responses here. The distribution is much wider than before. Already, no fantasy shared here is voted for by more than 50% of the interviewees.

Then, most of the interviewees answer, with only 8 to 9% of people who do not vote, at most. It is therefore an important question for the French. The first fantasy for the French population, both men and women, is the surprise in sleep. This perspective delighted and attracted more men than women with 47% against 43%, but it is nonetheless the big winner of fantasized erotic situations. It is, however, a little less popular among people aged 50 and over. Then, for the second step of the podium, it is the fantasy of making love with a stranger... But with a strong demarcation between men (53%) and women (28%).

It is therefore rather a male wish and perhaps also purely carnal. Men and women also agree to put “making love in a public place” in 3rd position with 31% of men and 32% of women. At the same level, ie 31%, we have watched two women make love (49% of men against 14% of women) and make love blindfolded (34% of women against 24% of men).

Then, for the fantasies a little further back, there are a lot of disparities between the sexes. Already, with the fantasy of a male virginity taker, at 43% for men against 16% for women. We can also note-making love with someone younger, or even making love with a co-worker.

But there are also situations where women are overrepresented, namely: being dominated (33% against 18% of men), having sex tied up or handcuffed, and having a homosexual experience. There are also very marginal fantasies, such as having sex with a much older person but also spanking his or her partner, or even watching two men make love.

But also, to make love with their hierarchical superior. These fantasies are those that do not even count one in ten voters, so less than 10%.