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Small guide for women's safety at night

For years, in France, security has been an important issue and problem for many women. Being able to go out alone at night, feeling safe in the deserted streets at night, is and has always been a problem. Especially for women. According to scientific studies and polls by Insee and the Paris region institute, in Ile de France, in 2017, more than 65% of women feel insecure. 30% of them are worried about deserted places, and for 65% of them, it is the public transport vehicle that causes the most anxiety. And for good reason: it is nearly 34% of all-comers assaults that take place in transport, and 32% in public places. It is, therefore, a common problem and one that is increasingly represented in France.

Let people know

meet an escort at night

When you go out in the evening, alone in the evening, or even in the afternoon: talk about it. Clearly say, by message or even call, to someone who will contact you during the day, to find out where you are, that you are going out. It can be a friend, a family member, whatever. This pseudo rule is important especially when you go out at night since this is the time of day when crimes and misdemeanors take place the most. It is also particularly important if you are a Chambery escort for example.

Isolated areas… avoid them

At night, if you return from the evening, for example, avoid isolated areas. These small areas include small dark alleys, for example, woods, passages next to rivers, parks with vegetation, etc... In short, areas where no one will be there to see you. It's no secret: isolated areas are the ones where you are most likely to be insecure and to be the victim of a crime/crime since criminals and dangerous people will act under more favorable conditions. at night in these places. If you can ask for help, then you are less likely to encounter an abuser.

The little flashlight

Always keep a small flashlight on your key ring, to have it wherever you go. You never know when you'll need light at night. And no, your phone's flashlight isn't enough: if you've run out of battery, you've run out of light. In addition, with your phone in your hand, you are more likely to have it stolen, or to be the perfect prey to an attack, just for your material possessions.

No shortcut

This is one of the most important tips for personal safety at night. You should never risk jeopardizing your safety to save time, especially if it means walking down deserted and dark streets that you don't know well. Even if your itinerary takes a little longer, or you arrive too late for your evening, for example, patience will largely save the day. Tell your friends that you will be a little late, it is already a good point to keep you safe.

Plan your itinerary before you even leave

If you have a date, or a party, in an unfamiliar area? That you have to go out after dark, and you're alone to make the trip? Be sure to prepare your plan in advance. Try to situate yourself and spatialize the streets through which you will pass. You can also see if avenue's names are known to you or not, etc. This will already help you avoid getting lost. Most importantly, you will be able to walk with confidence, which can defuse a potential attack: a person with bad intentions will tend to attack someone who seems weak and insecure. For him/her, seeing someone confident walking is like sending him/her the following message: if you want to attack me, it might be difficult. To avoid appearing nervous or intimidated,

Advice for escorts who meet clients at night

Drink in moderation (and watch your drink)

So, at night, when we go out, we're not going to lie to each other: it's often to party. To meet one or more people, have a good time. Which often rhymes with alcohol… It's almost inevitable. To optimize your safety as much as possible, stay as alert as possible when you go out: carefully examine your drink and the people who are near you. If someone or someone seems suspicious, animated by bad intentions, or under the influence of excessive alcohol (and/or narcotics) watch carefully. You can drink only 1 glass (2 large maximum) and stop drinking after that. The little trick: sip your drink, make it last as long as possible. Just because you feel good at the moment, doesn't mean one more drink won't hurt! Remember: the effects of alcohol, especially white hard liquors, can occur later in the evening, well after drinking. And drink water in between, to stay hydrated, and so don't drink alcohol just because you're hungry.

Pay close attention (like a profiler)

Again on the subject of vigilance, this is the most important of all these tips. It's even the only advice to take from this little guide: be alert. Without pouring into paranoia and preventing you from enjoying your little outing or your evening. But simply: being attentive to what surrounds us allows us to detect and therefore defuse the vast majority of minor incidents that are likely to happen to us later. For example: if you see a tall, dead drunk guy starting to get the blood pounding in his temples, and yelling at people around him...well in a club or a dance bar, you probably won't see him, because you won't hear it. On the other hand, by concentrating on the present audience around you,