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Natural aphrodisiacs, or how food can multiply your libido by 2?

When you experience a little glitch, like a drop in desire for your partner, or a general drop in your libido, it's okay to try to resolve that little problem. We will then seek to turn to medicinal sexual stimulants, in the form of very chemical pills… like Viagra. I wouldn't lecture you by telling you that these products may have too high a risk/benefit ratio on the risk side, because of the side effects, you know that well.

What you don't know, however, is that if you are looking for an alternative to quick and sloppy prescriptions, to solve your little worries and reduce the risk of ill effects associated with these drugs, some very aphrodisiac foods can be used. to help you increase your sexual desire tenfold ...

sexual arousal and sensitivity

What is an aphrodisiac?

We tend to say to ourselves that it is something, which interferes, which will increase our libido. But that's not true: an aphrodisiac with many different virtues, such as increasing sexual arousal and sensitivity, performance and pleasure - for both men and women. These foods can be plants, herbs, spices, and chemicals, whether natural or not. It's up to you to test all these foods with our Paris scorts, which will be happy to satisfy you.

There are many reasons people want to take such products to improve their relationships - and their sex lives.

Among those:

  • Boost too low libido
  • Increase sexual performance
  • Have more pleasure during sex
  • Building a healthier relationship
  • Treat sexual dysfunctions (such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, problems with orgasms and arousal ...)

There are many benefits of sex: a good sex life means more chances of having a happy and healthy romantic relationship. It can be used to improve your psychological state and also your mental as well as physical well-being.

What are aphrodisiac foods?

Science has discovered many links between certain foods and their ability to increase sexual desire. Most of the aphrodisiac foods in this category have an immediate feel-good effect, a bit like drugs (very very mild of course). This allows a positive effect on male and female sex hormones. We give you a complete list of foods, natural and healthy, which will allow you to improve and transform your sexual relations, thanks to their capacities to act on your hormones, on your neurotransmitters, and ultimately which will be used to secrete and release hormones necessary for your sex life! So read on to discover these secret foods that will guide you on the road to sexual satisfaction ...

Chocolate, n ° 1 for women

You know it is said that women often have particular food cravings when they are pregnant, just as certain smells can disgust them for no apparent reason. Well, I tell you, chocolate is at the top of the ranking. It is often he who stirs up all the desires of women. And for good reason: historically, it is chocolate that has been credited with aphrodisiac properties for women, and has been for hundreds of years. This food, beyond being good, has the power to increase the production of serotonin (the hormone responsible for well-being and feelings) and phenylethylamine (joy and excitement). It also contains the alkaloid, a stimulant that is also present in tobacco and opiates. It serves to increase sexual energy. The magnesium present in chocolate is also a great aid in relaxation, which makes it easier to get into a state of mind conducive to sex. Note: dark chocolate contains at least 75% cocoa, so it is more effective ...

The least tasty: oysters

Fresh oysters are a food full of energy: phosphorus, zinc, and iodine. These elements are known to increase testosterone, and therefore sperm production in men, as well as natural lubrication in women. Oysters also allow the important secretion of dopamine, a brain hormone that leads to sexual desire. The food in itself can be very good, even if not necessarily to everyone's taste… But don't forget, testing is an idea that should not be ruled out because it is one of the most effective in increasing the rate. of testosterone!


I have always had a strong appetite for spicy dishes. Even for simple spicy Doritos, I have an addicting kind of pleasure in eating and feeling the heat gently burning my palate. This is in part due to capsaicin, another chemical compound of the alkaloid family. It irritates mammalian cells, which is why it produces a burning sensation in the mouth… and this is why it is so interesting! Capsaicin will stimulate the nerves in the tongue, which will release adrenaline, endorphins, and chemicals related to sexual desire. It also improves our metabolism, causing us to feel comfortable and exciting heat, and therefore a very stimulating sensation, conducive to sexual activities.

in the female fantasy

Number 2 for women: strawberries

Once again, we are firmly anchored in the feminine fantasy: strawberries with chocolate… Strawberries are the color of desire and passion, and they are also considered a symbol of sensuality. But that's not all! They are also a powerful aphrodisiac, thanks to their high concentration of vitamin C, which helps blood flow and is vital for the production of sex hormones and brain neurotransmitters that increase libido. They also contain zinc, which is a nutrient often associated with sex, since it directs testosterone, and it prepares a woman's body for sex faster.